Risk Policies, Procedures & Limit Development

Risk Policies, Procedures & Limit Development

An institutions directors and senior management should tailor their financial risk management policies and procedures to the types of risks that arise from activities the institution conducts. Once financial risks are properly identified, the institutions policies and its more fully articulated procedures should provide detailed guidance for the day-to-day implementation of broad business strategies, and generally include limits designed to shield the institution from excessive and imprudent financial risks. While all institutions should have policies and procedures that address their significant activities and financial risks, these policies contain written statements of the institutions commitment to pursue certain objectives and results. Policies often set standards (e.g. of risk tolerance) and recommend courses of action. They also express an institutions underlying mission, values, and principles. Procedures are step by step processes, programs and practices that impose order on the institutions pursuit of its objectives, defining how daily activities are to be carried out. They are consistent with the underlying policies. Management is expected to ensure that they are modified when necessary to respond to significant changes in the financial institutions activities or business conditions. To ensure that an institutions policies, procedures, and limits are adequate, the following must be true:

  • Policies, procedures, and limits should provide for adequate identification, measurement, monitoring, and control of the financial risks posed by significant activities.
  • Policies, procedures, and limits should be consistent with management's experience level, the institution's stated goals and objectives, and the overall financial strength of the institution.
  • Policies should clearly delineate accountability and lines of authority across the institution's activities.
  • Policies should provide for the review of activities new to the banking institution to ensure that the infrastructures necessary to identify, monitor, and control financial risks associated with an activity are in place before the activity is initiated.


The Board of Directors is entrusted with the responsibility of setting policies and overseeing the financial risk management program. This responsibility is delegated to the Chief Executive Officer and the management staff.